Over the past several weeks we have been working through our sermon series titled, “Living Truth,” in which we have examined some important truths in God’s Word. This month we will continue the series by looking at grace on Oct. 8, service on Oct. 15, and generosity on Oct. 22. I could have extended the series one more Sunday to October 29, because on that Sunday we will celebrate the Protestant Reformation which was all about the truth of God’s Word.
On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed a printed sheet of 95 statements to the door of the castle church in Wittenberg, Germany with the idea that hundreds of visitors would come to the church the next day (All Saints Day), see the list, and hear the truth about God’s free forgiveness. Luther had no idea that his hammering would get the attention of people around the world. All he wanted to do was to reform the Church from within. Luther and other reformers based their work on three main ideas:
- Word Alone – meaning only God’s Word is our guide for faith and life, not any human teachings or
traditions. - Grace Alone – meaning only through God’s love are we made holy, not through any human
achievement. - Faith Alone – meaning only trust in God’s promises, not our efforts, receives God’s justification (His
declaration) that we are sin-free in Christ.
As part of his efforts to illustrate the truth of God’s Word, Martin Luther developed a seal which we have in a stained glass window in the narthex (lobby area) of our church. The first thing expressed in the seal is a black cross within a red heart, to remind us that faith in Christ crucified saves us. “For it is with your heart that you believe...and are saved” – Romans 10:10.
Second, the heart is fixed on the center of a white rose, to show that faith causes joy and peace. Third, the rose lies on a blue sky-colored background, to show that faith looks ahead with hope to being with Jesus in heaven.
Finally, the gold circle reminds us that the joy of heaven is endless.
As we celebrate the Reformation at the end of this month, it is a good time to reform any areas of our faith life that need some attention. If we are absent from worship, if we have gotten sloppy in our “love one another” habits, if forgiving someone has become impossible, if prayer is something we squeeze into our schedule rather than it being a regular and essential part of our schedule (and the “if” list could go on and on), then we need to reform.
In God’s Service,
Pastor Bill Beyer
Children's Ministry
Wed. Education: At 6:45pm in Classroom 4 & 5.
Nursery: Open at both services for children birth – 3-years-old.
Youth Ministry
Confirmation: Wednesdays
CY1, CY2, CY3 Students: Class at 6:45pm. Bring your materials.
CY1: Meets in Classroom 3
- First Communion Instruction: Fri. 20th from 7pm – 11:30pm
- First Communion: Sun. 22nd at 8:30 Worship
- Save the Date: Confirmation Retreat: 11/10-12/23 5pm – 12pm
CY2: Meets in Classroom 2
- Save the Date: Confirmation Retreat: 11/10-12/23 5pm – 12pm
CY3: Meets in Classroom 1
- Save the Date: Leadership Building at Camp Agape 11/18 8am – 3pm
Youth Ministry
Youth Group Join us at 6:45pm in the Youth Room.
- Pumpkin Carving the 25th
Fundraisers for the Youth:
Butter Braids: Go to http://bit.ly/48k7p4J and buy some today. The money raised will go towards the Youth Gathering 2025 and the Summer High School Mission Trip to Elizabeth City, NC.
Scrip Fundraiser: Scrip is a great way to help raise funds for youth ministry. Every church member can easily earn $1,000 or more for youth ministry by buying gift cards through us. BJ Johns is our scrip coordinator. If you want more information, please send her an email at bjkjohns@gmail.com.